The public domain, meaning state-run institutions and bodies as well as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), has objectives that differ from commercially oriented enterprises. In no way should that imply that less attention is paid to cultivating the language. When it’s all about getting noticed, there’s intense competition here, too.
Our specialists are familiar with the specific mechanisms of the sector and translate all types of text – official documents, research reports, websites, newsletters, etc. – accurately, while hitting the right tone. Last but not least, thanks to their collaboration with Syntax, a number of nationally and internationally active institutions and organizations have refined their multilingual communications over the long term.
Factually as well as technically, the formulation of texts relating to science policy must be accurate, authentic and unequivocal – a three-fold requirement that the translators at Syntax meet with a professional service. In one case, when selecting a translator, I was even offered a style comparison. I was impressed by that.