Our company certification according to the international standard ISO 9001 is proof of the top priority that Syntax Translations assigns to quality and quality control. The market feedback we get serves to emphasise this even more. Our outstanding rate of customer satisfaction is a logical consequence of our consistent attention to quality in all areas.
“If it’s Swiss, then it has to be .swiss”
Rooted in Switzerland, but connected to the whole world through www.syntax.swiss: The Internet address of Syntax underlines our identity as a Swiss quality brand, and stands for reliability, security and discretion.
Quality is a commitment
Language is a complex phenomenon – synthesized from a diversity of different artistic and cultural forms – so the transfer of a message from a source into a target language is that much more of a challenge. To put it more simply: with translations there is one overriding objective, namely the translated text should not be recognized as such, not even by native speakers.
A clear sign of our quality awareness is our broad-based, international network of translators, who are without exception qualified specialists. They all translate out of a second language into their native language. They speak and write it perfectly because they are totally familiar with the cultural background of the language or its region. Moreover, they will also have specialist training and/or hands-on experience within a technical field.
Syntax is the pioneer of quality in the Swiss translation business. In both our attitude and our conduct, we have always been committed to the highest standards of quality and have organized our processes and services accordingly. Supplementing our basic quality assurance package, you can talk to us in order to determine what else should receive our special attention.
The best argument for the awareness of quality at Syntax? Satisfied customers, of course!
Thanks to our tried-and-tested, established methods of qualification and quality assurance, our complaint rate has been less than one percent for decades!
Innovation and customer orientation are decisive when we choose our partners. Syntax offers us both. They adapt to our needs, and always deliver high quality.